Grab my new Piano Chord Chart for just $9.00!
man learning the piano online

Chord Jammer course

Have you ever wanted to just sit at the piano and play without having to read music? Grab our Chord Jammer course and learn everything you need to know to play the piano and improvise. 

You can purchase this as a stand alone for $149 or sign up to an MPM subscription for access to this as well as three other great courses!
Get the course!

Chord Jammer

Our most popular piano course which uses chords and scales to teach you how to improvise and play your favourite songs without needing to learn to read music!
Musical notes
Chords and Scales are the backbone of all music and once you understand how they work together, and how you apply this knowledge to your playing, a whole new piano playing world will open up to you. 

In this self-paced video course Michelle takes you step by step through the popular and value-packed 60-page Chord Jammer ebook.
The video course includes 15 easy-to-follow sections explaining everything you need to know to be able to play your favourite pop songs, along with daily practice plans. Browse the curriculum below to see what you'll learn.

Sign up for a My Piano Method subscription for just $39.50 per month or purchase as a stand alone course for $149 to access Chord Jammer today!
Sign up and start jamming today!
Comprehensive video lessons
 Self-paced Guided Courses
 Step by Step Lessons
 Full Support
 Video Practice Plans
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 Learn Music the Right Way

My Piano Method Success Stories

I've just completed Michelle's Chord Jammer course following the ebook and I am super excited to sit behind the piano now. I've learned all about chord progressions and melody and how chords work with each other and how to create your own music. I loved how the ebook was laid out and it's even better following along to Michelle's video course where she goes through it page by page. I had a lot of 'A-Ha' moments throughout it and I'm super excited to crack on with everything I've learned. Thanks so much Michelle, it's really awesome, I loved it, it's exactly what I've been looking for.
Lyndon C

How the online course for Chord Jammer works

The Chord Jammer video course follows the 60-page eBook, where Michelle guides you through each section page by page. This course will teach you how to build chords and scales, understanding how to create chord progressions and melody, and lots of tips and tricks along the way.
We’ve made this course easy to follow with a specialised, visual teaching technique that will help you to retain everything you learn and use it in your playing. You'll also get five practice plans with each section to help you cement your learning and start jamming on your own!

Scale and Chord practice

To become a competent piano player, understanding scales and chords is the key!
semi quaver note

Apply what you’ve learned

You can download and print the eBook to follow in your own time if desired.
semi quaver

Visual presentation

You’ll see what we’re going to learn in the lesson before we apply it to the piano.
triple note

Practice, practice, practice!

You’ll receive five practice worksheets with each section to retain what you’ve learned.
treble clef marker

BONUS: Full Q&A support with Michelle 

With an online self-paced course, there will often be questions that pop up along the way. Which is why Michelle is available over email (or on a zoom call for a small extra fee) so you can ask questions and get help if you’re stuck on something!
double quaver

BONUS: Access to the Private Facebook Group

If you can't make the fortnightly Q&As, we've still got you covered for troubleshooting with our private facebook group. This is a wonderful supportive community, where Michelle is available for questions and troubleshooting, along with sharing extra tips and tricks!
yamaha piano keys

Chord Jammer

What you'll learn with our value-packed course!
>> Section 1: 
The Notes of the Piano
>> Section 2: 
Middle C and how to find it
>> Section 3: 
Octaves and Intervals
>> Section 4: 
Half Steps and Whole Steps on the Piano
>> Section 5: 
The Black Keys
>> Section 6: 
How to play Major and Minor Chords
>> Section 7: 
C Major Scale
>> Section 8: 
Chord Numbering System
>> Section 9: 
Chord Progressions
>> Section 10: 
The Chord Family
>> Section 11: 
Chord Inversions
>> Section 12: 
Improvising Melody
>> Section 13: 
Major Scale Formula
>> Section 14: 
Different Types of Chord
>> Section 15: 
>> Finished! 
Putting it all together!
Ready to start playing?
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You are never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream.
C. S. Lewis
woman watching free beginner piano lesson on ipad.

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